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Unanswered Questions

36 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
1 vote
0 answers

All my ANSWERS have disappeared from my Activity screen

Happened just a few minutes ago... Where did they go?
1 vote
0 answers

Can I get the duplicate close link on this question changed?

On this question, I voted to close as a duplicate of this one but the user wanted to change the icon size not hide the launcher, so it was a duplicate of this. However the OP accepted the original ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can we delete the [x11-unix] tag?

The x11-unix tag seems to have been accidentally created by the user who asked this question org.gnu.emacs - bwrap: Can't mount tmpfs on /newroot/tmp/.X11-unix: No such file or directory. I don't ...
0 votes
0 answers

Edit post again after logging in

I made an edit to a post, realized I made a mistake but I couldn't edit it again. Then I noticed I was somehow logged out (I'm NEVER logged out normally so it didn't even cross my mind that the button ...
0 votes
0 answers

Question marked as already solved incorrectly

Is it possible migrate existing programs installed in windows? This question is "how to migrate already installed (under Windows) applications to Wine". And the question linked as already answered is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why are we marking these UEFI questions as duplicates of the wrong question?

I see many, many questions written by users having trouble installing Ubuntu in a dual-boot configuration on their UEFI-enabled PC, that are being marked as duplicates of Installing Ubuntu Alongside a ...

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