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Unanswered Questions

339 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
0 answers

Please reopen sshuttle question 935144

My original question posted at Can I use expose remote server ports via sshuttle? was a bit confused and made a half-attempt at answering itself. I've made it simpler so that it can be re-opened. And ...
6 votes
0 answers

Can we kill the ubuntu14.04 tag?

the ubuntu14.04 tag has been used 16 times and it shouldn't even had been created. It should be linked as a duplicate to 14.04 or just burned from the system.
6 votes
0 answers

Meaningful tag wikis/excerpt

I've seen a bunch of approved tag wikis and excerpts that really, really don't follow any of the guidelines for Tag wiki's/excerpt and are run of the mill man/wikipedia/project page dumps. This is not ...
6 votes
0 answers

2014 Community Moderator Election

The 2014 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
6 votes
0 answers

Cleanup 2014: Tags without tag wikis

what is a tag wiki? Tag wikis are brief excerpts of information detailing what the tag is about, the kinds of questions that should be asked in a tag, and possibly providing you links to some external ...
6 votes
0 answers

Are Ubuntu One and AskUbuntu linked in anyway?

I'm logged into Ubuntu one. Is it possible to link my other accounts using my Ubuntu one login? I have several email and forum accounts and I wish to link all of them instead of having to login to ...
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0 answers

Let's tag our questions properly

I'm just posting this as a proxy for jokerdino. He can't post because of internet problems, but we both agree this needs to get out now. Also, special thanks to N.N for asking jokerdino to write ...
6 votes
0 answers

Should we have have IF or ELSE type statements in tags?

In this tag wiki, we have the following: Refers either to Microsoft's Windows operating system(s), or application windows. emphasis mine Is that kind of thing "allowed" or not? Or should we have ...
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0 answers

Code formatting in comments discards whitespace

I recently noticed by writing a comment that multiple spaces are replaced by a single space inside a code block. The question has since been migrated to SO. I worked around it by replacing spaces ...
6 votes
0 answers

Keyboard tags could use some love

Some of us have been asking for something nicer for the <kbd> tag. Jin mentioned maybe polishing them up to make questions like this look nicer, just documenting that here. (Also note, I love ...
5 votes
0 answers

Would it be useful to allow Meta duplicates after a certain amount of time?

Regarding the main Ask Ubuntu site, there are two Meta questions here that I found that mention "time" and "duplicates": Primarily: Would it be useful to allow duplicates after x ...
5 votes
0 answers

Can we turn this question into a more generic one?

Can we turn this question ("How do I upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 21.04 on i386 architecture?") into something like "I have a 32 bit computer running Ubuntu 18.04, and want to use an ...
5 votes
0 answers

Flagged a question before I saw it in First Posts review queue. I cannot click "I'm Done"

The question which I'm referring to in the title is this: Error : If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct these errors, the partition will be used as is I flagged this question 2 ...
5 votes
0 answers

Feature request: retracting delete vote on answers

When I vote to close a question it's possible to retract close vote. When I press delete(1) to remove my vote on an answer, it only asks for confirmation if I want to vote to delete, not retract. Can ...
5 votes
0 answers

The Suggested Edit quota is too low

Recently I have become able to start doing First Post reviews, but while I am doing so, I have to edit a lot of posts that are of low quality. However, when I started my 6th edit, I repeatedly click ...

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