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3 votes

Cookie consent banner won't stay away

Disable your ad blocker (temporarily!) and try again. A lot of ad blockers and cookie blockers and content blockers block the underlying site.
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
2 votes

The new cookie consent banner is way larger than needed

I think we might have stumbled upon something here. From HuHa's comment: According to EU law, the default setting needs to be essential cookies, but they overlooked that all such banners provide a ...
Levente's user avatar
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1 vote

The new cookie consent banner is way larger than needed

I don't like cookies. My browser is set to discard them after it is closed. As a web developer, that seems like a slightly absurd overreaction, but each to their own. It obviously means a site can't ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k

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