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Can I associate my AskUbuntu account with my other Stack Exchange accounts, for migrated questions?

I answered a question on Server Fault, which was then migrated to AskUbuntu. Then, in agreement with a suggestion for improvement by another user posted in a comment, I decided to edit my post. I don't yet have editing privileges on AskUbuntu (to edit other people's posts--I can edit my own posts). So my edits are pending approval, because the question was posted by "another" user (Eliah Kagan on Server Fault, rather than Eliah Kagan here on AskUbuntu).

In the future, is there something I can do to associate my ServerFault and AskUbuntu accounts, so that if my question or answer or comment on one is migrated to the other, I have the ability to perform actions with them that I would be able to perform on my own posts (like editing)?

Eliah Kagan
  • 118.9k
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