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Why was my question put on-hold by me?

My question was put on-hold recently with a banner: put on hold as off-topic by R S, Melebius, Pilot6, user68186, vidarlo - 9 mins ago But R S is me and I don't remember I did that to myself.
R S's user avatar
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Socratic badge amount gone down unfairly with off-topic I cast on my own post

I feel that something rather unfair has just happened, so I would like to complain about it, my next gold badge that I will get is the Socratic, and just a few minutes ago it said: Now however it has ...
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3 votes
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Let's reopen this Wubi question that Microsoft Windows thought was off-topic

In this question posted yesterday, the OP has a Wubi system that will not start, because the Windows boot loader (which loads Wubi--in a Wubi system you select Ubuntu from the Windows boot menu) has a ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
3 votes
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Is this Perl-related question being closed too hastily?

This question is about to be closed: Perl doesn't include directory That's too bad, since: Perl scripting is a standard system administration technique and it doesn't make much sense to reject ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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How to "ping" people who voted to close a question so they review their vote?

This question was closed as off-topic - I believe it is not, maybe it was worded too vaguely or mentioned too many irrelevant details or something. Now, I edited the question to make it more direct ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Should recent controversial question about Zeitgeist and pop culture be reopened?

Recently there was a question that some interpreted as a rant: What is zeitgeist used for? This question now has a good answer (written by one of the people who had voted to close it, which by ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Was 142386 closed because it's about FreeBSD, or because it might not also be about Ubuntu?

This question was closed as off topic, and there is a comment (though not by one of the close-voters) saying that it's off-topic but would be on topic at Unix.SE. The question is undeniably about ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar