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2 answers

What to do with tag-only edits?

Here's the suggested edit in question. The OP was asking about security on a shared WiFi connecton. They had it tagged as 16.04, firefox, and security. An edit came up that only changed the tag 16....
ravery's user avatar
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Someone is editing my question's tags and I disagree with their edit

As is suggested by Eliah Kagan; In general, if you believe your question is de-tagged wrongly, here are some options at your disposal: Read the tag's tag wiki and see what other questions ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
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Should re-tagging really be considered as edit?

I have seen recently that, When I re-tag a question, It is considered as edit. Then I can even reverse my vote on that question. I have a feeling that, It should not be considered as edit since, The ...
Anwar's user avatar
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Adding a tag is a minor edit?

I edited (or rather, suggested an edit) on a question about Chuck montages on Planet Ubuntu, to add the tag 'planet-ubuntu'. It was rejected with the following reason: This edit is too minor; ...
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