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Why can't I login into Ask Ubuntu with launchpad anymore?

I do have an Ubuntu Launchpad account (still works, e.g. for reporting bugs, etc.) and I used to use it to login into Ask Ubuntu as well. For some months now, I can't login into Ask Ubuntu anymore. ...
Hadmut Danisch's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Change the Launchpad logo on Ask Ubuntu's Contact and Login pages

As of now, this is the logo of Launchpad shown in Ask Ubuntu contact pages ( and and login page ( ...
Random Person's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I merge my LaunchPad login to this account?

I've seen this question multiple times, but they're all dated, so I don't feel appropriate to resurrect any of those ancient threads. Can a mod help me merge my StackExchange account (which is linked ...
wyphan's user avatar
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If you sign up to Ask Ubuntu via Launchpad, would a profile get created on the wider SE network?

Launchpad authentication is only available on AU. If you use that to create an AU profile, would doing so create a profile for you on the rest of the network?
Lynob's user avatar
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The need to provide a link to your LaunchPad account for the elections

In order to nominate one self for the community moderator elections one must provide a link to one's LaunchPad account in order to verify that one has signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. However some ...
user avatar
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Launchpad account recognized on some stackexchanges sites, not all

Context My StackExchange account lists in "My Logins" several providers, including Launchpad. There is written: Log in or sign up on any Stack Exchange site using these accounts Expected When ...
Stéphane Gourichon's user avatar
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Integrate my Launchpad/Open ID with stack exchange account?

I am currently using my AskUbuntu account created using Stack Exchange credentials. Recently started being active on Launchpad. But trying to log in using Launchpad/OpenID credentials makes me create ...
charlie's user avatar
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I can't login, although I'm registered on

I've got a Launchpad and a goggle+ - account, but I can't login to askubuntu, although I'm registered (my username is lowereastside) cause always comes the question for „openID“. Am I too stupid to ...
user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How do I migrate from Google login to Launchpad login?

I have tried logging in with my Launchpad ID. But it shows me as a totally new user, with rep of 0. I don't want to lose the rep I have here. Thank you.
Daniel Clem's user avatar
4 votes
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How to sign into Ask Ubuntu?

Trying to sign into Ask Ubuntu using a Launchpad account. It won't let me get that far once it got me to the authentication part but none the less it fails.
user avatar
3 votes
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Launchpad OpenID not working for login on Ask Ubuntu

I can't log in here using my Launchpad ID. I get Canceled on the identification page of AskUbuntu. On the Launchpad, I get an Oops page with an message saying that the error was logged. Sorry, ...
Zakhar's user avatar
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Is there a way for StackExchange to accept Launchpad IDs to login systemwide?

In the original, pre-shortened form of the question I was complaining that I can't login some other StackExchange site with my Launchpad ID, providing the screenshot: Rest was almost like this: I ...
marenostrum's user avatar