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Disagree with Low Quality review audit

I failed this Low Quality review audit. I wouldn't say this fulfills the community rules for asking a good question: No research, no given example, no attempt to solve the issue, not exactly clear to ...
derHugo's user avatar
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If you want to edit an unsalvageable NAA post, please don't use the edit button in the LQP review queue to do so

This is somewhat related to this useful question: Should we edit the answer we flag as NAA? The answer said, in part: If you're a 2k user, knock yourself out - after all, it's just your own time ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
9 votes
1 answer

LQ Review: Add canned delete comment for link-only within (should have been flagged as duplicate)

Within the last weeks, I reviewed a growing number of answers from the Low Quality queue (or spotted them directly on the main site) that basically looked like this: Follow the answers at askubuntu....
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
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Should I flag pure shell command answers as "link only answer"?

There are answers that consist of only shell commands, with no comments, showing up in the low quality review; Is it right to flag them as "link only" answer? To me, an answer that consists only of ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Am I reviewing the Low Quality Queue properly?

I have been finding that my judgement about review items in Low Quality Queue contrasts drastically compared to fellow members of this site. I find the posts to be "good"; whereas others "recommend ...
Aditya's user avatar
  • 13.5k