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AskUbuntu permissions [duplicate]

I was looking at the permissions available to me, and was wondering why upvoting an answer is unlocked before commenting on any thread. I understand that it's, in part, to reduce commenters who spam ...
Andrew Wallace's user avatar
1 vote
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50 Reputation on comments is too much? Add new function to suggest?

I have low reputation as you see. And the problem i see with this is, that when i try to troubleshoot someone's question that requires some active or continuous communication, or a suggestion like "...
John K's user avatar
  • 455
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Why I'm getting wrong notification?

Today I got a new notification "Congrats, you've gained the privilege – comment everywhere learn more". I tried to comment on a post, but I was not able to comment on any post. After some ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why don't "useful comment" results give reputation?

I saw the "Does upvoting a comment add to the commenter's reputation" question already, but seriously: this seems like a bug, not a feature. There are questions to which there is no answer, but there ...
Jim Salter's user avatar
  • 4,373
5 votes
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Comment with one rep without participation in post

Is there any explanation for why the first comment on this post has been made by a user with 1 rep and no participation on that thread? Is it a bug?
nanofarad's user avatar
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Why are you only allowed to comment with 50 rep?

Why are you only allowed to comment on other people's posts when you reached 50 reputation? In my opinion comments are a good way to ask people to clarify their questions or add additional information ...
fly.floh's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does upvoting a comment add to the commenter's reputation? How much?

I've noticed some great comments along the way and upvoted them. Will the commenter get any reputation boost from that? (If they do, how many points per vote?) I'm also wondering since I've seen some ...
Firefeather's user avatar