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Why was my question closed? Please reopen

I posted this question How to map several folders to different drive? It got closed as a duplicate of Move home folder to second drive, but the duplicate is certainly not the same. The dup is about ...
klutt's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Should a question be reopened if another close reason now suits it better?

I just came across this question in the reopen view queue and I'm not sure what to do. The new edit means that the current close reason doesn't really completely suit it any more, a better one would ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Should one make a question on-topic by editing it and generalizing it?

I recently came across this question in the Reopen votes review queue, and it was edited and generalized by another user: But as ElementaryOS is not Ubuntu should this really be reopened now that it ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Please reopen YaCy service question not solved by generic answer

I created How can I stop YaCy from starting when my machine starts? and was pointed to How to enable or disable services? as a general answer. Unfortunately I voted to close my own question before ...
lofidevops's user avatar
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