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How to see the user's reputation graph?

My browser displays the user reputation in the user's Activity page without a graph: How can I display the user reputation with a graph, as shown in the image below?
stumblebee's user avatar
  • 4,177
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Why is Gravatar necessary for profile pic , any other option available

Just today i tried to add Profile Pic on AU , but change picture takes me to Don't we have other choice like simple Uploading window to put a pic ( IMO the required size X*Y resolution),...
atenz's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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Name change history

It would be nice if there was something like a name change history. Many users change their display names and then it becomes difficult to recognise them. So having such a feature will be certainly ...
Ashu's user avatar
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'Impact' field on new user profile

Since the user profile page has been redesigned, and very nice it is too, there is now an item of data named 'Impact'. On my own profile, this has a value of "~2k people reached". What does "Impact" ...
Carl H's user avatar
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How do I find a question on this site that I may have already asked?

How do I find a question on this site that I may have already asked? A secondary question arises due to my failure to post this simple question. What tag should I use to allow the original question to ...
crb999's user avatar
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