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-3 votes
2 answers

Merging launchpad + stackexchange

I know it's been asked for a lot of times. But here it goes again: Please, merge my askubuntu/launchpad account with the stackexchange account. I began using launchpad back in 2010, but now I'd prefer ...
Ludenticus's user avatar
0 votes
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Why doesn't my launchpad login work on Ask Ubuntu?

I keep getting the message: Unable to log in with your OpenID provider: No OpenID endpoint found. I'm running a fairly old Ubuntu and Firefox with JavaScript enabled.
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-10 votes
2 answers

Should reputation be reduced over time, when a user is inactive?

I'm wondering if reputation decay when a user is inactive, maybe users contribute more? Is this a motivation or not? Will this have the positive results (more contribution) or will have the opposite? ...
NickTux's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I know it's a bug before I ask for advice?

The Question: How does a novice distinguish a bug report from a question? I approach this as a highly relevant practical question, since it will determine the venue of a pending query I have, but I ...
Louis Carole's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Ask Ubuntu and Ubuntu Questions on Launchpad? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should we use Launchpad Answers and when Ask Ubuntu It seems that Ask Ubuntu and Questions for Ubuntu on Launchpad at cater to the ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Transfer/ Merge this account with my Launchpad account

The account I'm logged in with now is one that I guess was made when I logged in for the first time. It uses my Gmail account to authenticate it. But I am working very hard to try and move entirely ...
Daniel Clem's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

"Your page was stale." when logging in askubuntu with launchpad ID

I am having this error whenever I try to log in on Launchpad and Ask Ubuntu with browsers as Opera, Comodo Dragon (my default on Windows) and Chrome. Only Firefox seems to work. Why is this happening ...
Neptunno's user avatar
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How to get same OpenID URL at Launchpad and StackExchange?

My usual nicks of don-quixote, quixote and donquixote were already in use at Launchpad when I registered there, so I registered as mdcrawford, my real name. At all the StackExchange sites - which ...
Mike Crawford's user avatar
4 votes
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We have a launchpad team?

I was looking through the google tubes and found this - it appears that there is a AskUbuntu team. I just wanted to bring this up - is there anything we want to do with this? Note that ...
jrg's user avatar
  • 61.2k
4 votes
1 answer

When to submit a question as an Ubuntu bug?

I have a problem with my computer (a reproducible crash), and posted a question here on AskUbuntu. I hoped that this is a known situation with a known workaround, or that somebody can spot what I did ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

When should we use Launchpad Answers and when Ask Ubuntu

(I am reposting a question from Ubuntu Launchpad Answers.) From what I see, in the Ubuntu community we now have 2 official tools for asking questions related to Ubuntu. One is hosted by Launchpad ...
Adi Roiban's user avatar
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