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-1 votes
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Why does the tag `20.10` Even exist If it is off topic?

Why does the tags of the releases who have met there end life even exists for eg - 20.10 19.04 16.04 What are the point of still using these tags ? When all the questions about them are off topic , I ...
Error404's user avatar
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Can I ask a question on Ask Ubuntu about all the old distros?

I thought about creating a "question" in order to remind (or "honour") all the old Ubuntu releases (4.10 Warthy - 16.10 Yakkety). But this question is mostly like a discussion one, not an answerable ...
na-no.'s user avatar
  • 846
2 votes
1 answer

When are questions about in-development releases on-topic? [duplicate]

I remember speaking to a moderator in chat once where they told me that a question about a future release which is currently in-development is actually on-topic here as long as what is posted is not a ...
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12 votes
1 answer

Do we, or do we not support wubi.exe?

I have been wondering this for a while and would like to get a definitive answer. We still get questions on wubi on the site, however, it is no longer developed and won't work on a modern Windows OS (...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Are software comparisons allowed and if so how broad are you allowed to be?

Are software comparisons considered on-topic here? I mean Ubuntu software of course, and probably software which is specific to it or at least Linux but runs on Ubuntu. And how broad is considered '...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should one close questions as duplicates of closed questions?

I have seen many questions in the past which are off-topic, and the community recognizes them as such, and it closes them as duplicates of the question when it was first asked and closed as off-topic. ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Are non-Ubuntu-spefic questions allowed? [duplicate]

I was just wonder, let's say that there is a question which asks how to disable the cache in Firefox, and the person who asks says that they are running a supported flavour and version of Ubuntu, is ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Should one make a question on-topic by editing it and generalizing it?

I recently came across this question in the Reopen votes review queue, and it was edited and generalized by another user: But as ElementaryOS is not Ubuntu should this really be reopened now that it ...
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3 votes
2 answers

Asking questions about third-party applications running on Ubuntu

In the past when I have asked how to achieve a particular thing using a third-party application on Ubuntu, I have often come across users like here for instance that say that it has nothing to do with ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Is this the right place to ask about finding and installing an AV?

I know that there is some sort of Norton Open Source Antivirus for Linux, and I really want it, however I see mention and talk of it, but I can't actually find it, is this the right place to ask about ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Are questions about how to upgrade to an Alpha release off-topic? [duplicate]

Are questions that ask for instructions on how to upgrade to an Alpha release off-topic if they don't ask for any information about how to use the Alpha release etc, but only ask how in the current ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Are legal and licensing issues welcome here?

Are legal and licensing questions allowed on AskUbuntu? Such as questions asking about legality of using the logo elsewhere, etc? Or questions asking about licensing? Which are questions about Ubuntu, ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Can we connect Askubuntu with a ubuntu based custom distro?

We have made some custom distro. We want to connect that custom distro with . Our distro is the same Ubuntu, with some preinstalled apps and customized so that people can use Linux more ...
Pavak Paul's user avatar
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13 votes
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How to flag an off-topic question on a non-linux OS?

The question Since the new flags for closing (which I applaud) it is unclear to me how I can flag a question about Windows, Mac, Solaris or whatever which clearly does not belong here. I want to flag ...
don.joey's user avatar
  • 29.1k
17 votes
4 answers

Should questions about using end-of-life Ubuntu releases be closed? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Should we allow questions that are about releases which are considered End of Life? Should questions requesting advice using end-of-life (i.e., officially unsupported) Ubuntu ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar