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Feature request - Change color of block quote [duplicate]

I'd like to request that the color of block quotes gets changed from a light gray to a light yellow (like SO, AE) As it is now, it's very hard to see the difference between a block quote and a code ...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
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Can we make the top tool bar position fixed while scrolling?

Wouldn't it be cool that this toolbar could be fixed for easier access for activities and votes? Saying FIXED i mean that while scroll it won't stay in the top of document, and will be in the top of ...
hingev's user avatar
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Make links visible on escaped text

There is no visible difference between AskUbuntu and AskUbuntu, even though the first occurence points to a link and the second doesn't. It could be argued that it is not necessary, but stackoverflow....
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