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Questions tagged [data]

questions related to data about the website, most likely from data.SE

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8 votes
2 answers

What html flairs are available for Ask Ubuntu and Stack Exchange users in general?

From time to time you may see a user flair on a user profile or embedd elsewhere. For instance here's mine: I learned about this flair thingy long time ago from fellow users (specifically, it was @...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a way to view statistics about visitors by country?

I was wondering if there is some sort of a counter or statistics about registered / unregistered visitors of ask ubuntu by world region or country, in a certain given time period and / or site ...
Pizza's user avatar
  • 1,496
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How many questions are we answering?

recently I have been feeling that we are not answering a lot of question, firstly because there are lots of "close"-worthy questions and secondly because many questions can be solved by only a few ...
Registered User's user avatar