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The top menu has moved to the left

The top menu has moved to the left. I checked in two different browsers.
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9 votes
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Bug with new top bar

Once again, a picture is worth a thousand words:
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
6 votes
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The Juju link in the top bar is incorrect

I just started playing around with the links at the top, seeing how they mirrored the links, and I noticed something. The Juju link appears to be outdated. The one on AU goes to http://...
TheWanderer's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why does the Canonical bar on meta omit Insights and Juju?

Canonical navigation bar, as seen on main Ask Ubuntu site: Canonical navigation bar, as seen here on meta: Or just look at the top of your screen... Two items are missing: Insights and Juju.
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3 votes
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Clicking on green reputation button does not make it go away

Clicking on green reputation button does not make it go away for example mine reads +15 in green at the top of the page and it will not reset. Is there a bug at the moment? is there a way to make it ...
Wild Man's user avatar
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JavaScript is broken after clicking on a comment of a deleted answer in the inbox

In my inbox, there is a reply to a comment on an answer which is deleted (The answer is deleted). Thus all comments are deleted. This is the comment link:
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.5k
6 votes
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StackExchange™ MultiCollider SuperDropdown™ colour issue

Opening up the StackExchange™ MultiCollider SuperDropdown™ after the recolouring on Ask Ubuntu main and hovering over the Stack Exchange logo results in dark grey on purple: This is somewhat ...
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