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21 votes
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Can we add a screenshot of the "accepted answer" check mark to the help pages?

I usually like to link this help page: Some-one answers to new users that comment "Thanks, it worked!!" on an answer. The reason I link them to Some-one answers instead of Accepted answer is ...
Alaa Ali's user avatar
  • 32k
5 votes
2 answers

Forcing "leavers" to accept an answer

Something I have noticed a lot is that new users with 1 rep ask a question and never appear on the site again. Good answers are posted, but the question stays "unanswered" forever. Often, these are ...
WindowsEscapist's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

The reputation on deleted question

I think the bounty/reputation should be preserved for the answers even after the question is deleted. I mean you give an answer and it is accepted and then question gets deleted because of some reason....
bebojoor's user avatar
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3 votes
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Not using accepted answer option

Don't get me wrong, it's not about the points (but I do enjoy getting them). It's more of a site cleanup question. Is there mods that you can ask to mark an answer as accepted, when you clearly ...
geoffmcc's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

There's no way to mark a question solved when you figure it out yourself.

If I ask a question that nobody else is able to answer, and I later figure it out, then there is no way for me to mark the question as answered. It will be marked unaccepted forever. I consider this ...
Jo-Erlend Schinstad's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is that possible to accept more than one answer? [duplicate]

Somehow a question have two (or more) answers. Somehow that answers is similar, and it's exactly same. So, is that possible to accept more than one answer?
Aryo Adhi's user avatar
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