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What to do if a user doesn't accept any answer even when the answer is correct [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it okay to ask a user to accept an answer for his/her question? I have come across some users who have 0% accept rate. They don't accept the answer even when the answer is ...
Ravi's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to have incorrect answers not affect Ask Ubuntu Accept Rate?

I'm not too sure if this question is appropriate for the site or not...if it isn't, please remove it so that it doesn't clog up the website. I always consider an asker's Accept Rate before answering ...
Ryan McClure's user avatar
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How can we refocus on being a Q+A, not a support forum or bug tracker? [closed]

After doing some investigation on issues brought up doing these questions I've found something that I'm embarrassed that we have let get out of control, see these questions for some background. What ...
23 votes
5 answers

Closing abandoned questions is harder than it should be.

I've been doing a bunch of digging around to help solve our accept rate problem. It's probably a multifaceted problem so I thought I'd tackle this one for now. According to meta, our policy is to vote ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
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Is it OK to suggest to a user to increase overall accept rate?

When a user with a very low accept rate posts a new question, is it OK to comment, suggesting that the user accept some answers to other questions to raise their accept rate? I am not suggesting ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
11 votes
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How to improve my accept rate?

On several SE sites, my accept rate is below 90%. The reason isn't that I just neglect to accept the answer that solved the problem, but rather that no answer was really helpful. My concern is that ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar