In a recent question of mine posted on the AskUbuntu site I was ordered that M$ has to be expanded to stand for Microsoft (probably to allow for indirect advertising of the company). Is indirect advertising the reason that the following abbreviations have not been expanded for a few questions that I have been monitoring since yesterday evening?
- PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
- NTFS (New Technology File System)
- CLI (Command line interface)
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- SMB (Server Message Block)
- AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) <-- see apple is here
- .. and many more.
In fact, I wish to know, that if there is really a standard, or it is as I was told that "you have no freedom of speech" and it is based on the totalitarian whims of the mods (moderators?)?
I have been observing all the answers and comments to this question, and I found them mutually contradictory, confusing and strangling the freedom of speech (as a community stand). I would not like to be "reputed" or "badged" by such a community. I would therefore like to request the mods to remove all my badges and reputation from the StackExchange site. I will keep on contributing to the site to help Ubuntu users and/or asking questions for sharing experiences in my own humble way.