Reading the answers and comments that I got on this question "Could we add a delay before being able to downvote a question?"
I changed my mind:
An answer needs to be upvoted or downvoted, it is fundamental
For a question, well :
if the question is not clear enough:
- no body or few people up vote,
- but please do not downvote, leave comments to guide the owner of the question to improve itif the question is or became clear and interesting:
- people will upvote, and their vote will show the real value of the question (no polluted by the downvote behaviour described in Oli's answer).If a question is downvoted, rather than editing his question, the owner of the question may create a new question (perhaps with some improvements) to reset the value of his question
My conclusion is:
- downvoting a question because it is unclear leads to discourage new comer
- downvoting a question because it is unclear leads to make the owner of the question create duplicated questions
- downvoting a question because a similar question is already existing is a wrong behaviour, close or flag the question for duplicated question
So lets change the pop-up of the downvote icon:
Instead of:
<<This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear and not usefull>>
Replace by:
any proposal ?