I'd like to write a question that will provide some info that I would have needed a year ago as I was learning Ubuntu. But I'm having a hard time formulating it so that it is clear and simple. I'll describe the problem; help me come up with a good wording for the question. Thanks! Here's the issue:
One thing that I had to learn (but was ultimately very rewarding) was writing simple bash scripts. What drove me to do this was a desire to add programs to the Main Menu and the Panel that I had downloaded/built myself (not through Synaptic/apt/Software Center). The reason I could not simply use the GUI to add them is because they need to be run from within their own directory. If I tried to add a link to the programs to the menu or panel, the launcher would fail.
So what I did is this: I found a bash script online that would move to the directory and then launch the program and amended it to work for me. Here's what I did for a Latin translation program I use, called Words:
#! /bin/bash
( cd $WORDSPATH ; ./words $* )
I'd like to ask a question so that this kind of answer can be provided. I know that, if I had come to this service 6 months ago, this would be one question I'd want answered. But how can I write this up in a short, clear question?