We still need feedback on these tags!
Esp. the "Not Sure" ones.
I have started a list of tags that need some cleanup per request. Please contribute.
z475 vm-guest-files
slf4j binutils ubuntu-secure-remix bluez fabric garmin off googleplay extended logical latex-editor hangout 4k-video crash differences ubunu fix cpan-dependencies
Not sure:
menu-bar nst reverse-tethering african-savanna brainstorm cleanup photo-editing cover-art
administrator --> administration
dependency --> dependencies DONE
bootable-usb --> live-usb DONE
parallel-port cloning sagemath
If you think a tag should stay please mention why.
When tags have no questions associated with them, they eventually get killed off. No one seems to know how long that takes however (Discussion on that in When do tags finally die?) which is why we need to make sure they don't have any questions.