With the upcoming release of Ubuntu 12.04 and the attention ubuntu got on tech blogs lately it's very likely IMO, that ubuntu will get a lot of new users (even if it's just people trying).
Since a lot of the problems of first time 'ubuntuers' are quite easy fixes and mostly involve stuff about drivers (graphics,printers, other peripherals), software recommendations and general usage questions, wouldn't it be a good idea to create a 'new-user' tag to easily find these rather easy but important questions.
At the same time it gives us a hint to write our solutions more verbose for these tags and explain what's happening and not just simply post a link to a man page.
I think this would improve the speed at which these types of questions would be resolved and with that take a lot of frustration from the new user as well as strengthen their faith in the ubuntu community.
For this to really work out there should be a notification when you log into askubuntu for the first time, that promotes this tag.
Anyone think this is an idea worth discussing?