This question is closed as a duplicate, but as a duplicate of what?
1berdario, the question owner, edited out the duplicate link. From what I can see, it probably shouldn't have been closed, but I'll leave it up to the moderators to reopen.– Jarrod DixonCommented Mar 2, 2012 at 2:58
Most probably this question.– Nitin VenkateshCommented Mar 2, 2012 at 5:35
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1 Answer
berdario, the question owner, edited out the duplicate link. From what I can see, it probably shouldn't have been closed, but I'll leave it up to the moderators to reopen. – Jarrod Dixon♦ Mar 2 at 2:58
Most probably this question. – nitstorm Mar 2 at 5:35
Just removing from unanwered listings since it has a valid answer.