tl;dr: Read the whole thing guys. Please.
As part of an effort to clean up the site (with a focus on closing abandoned questions), jokerdino, Bruno and I have done a few cleanup sprints - wherein we start with a query, our flags and close votes, and just RUN until we are out.
And while this is (on the one hand) great, at the same time, assuming we all have all (or pretty close) our votes, that's still only 3 of us.
So what I'd like to suggest is a "daily" (or however often as the community sees fit) sprint wherein we all cluster to the Ubuntu Regulators room, and someone just starts posting questions from the query of the day and we all vote to close on them.
Closing abandoned questions will get a little easier.
Our answer rate goes up.
Only takes 20-30 minutes for us to do it.
It's a good way to get your Marshal and Deputy badges.
We need 3-4+ people to make this affective. Or just two, a user and a moderator. However, I'd prefer to do this without moderator intervention if possible, we already put enough work on them. (coughISent42FlagsAtHimBeforeLunchYesterdaycough)
It only takes 20-30 minutes before we're all out of votes.
In the past there hasn't been a really good advertisement of our suggested solutions - in other words, it's Amith, myself, the mods, htorque and then like, two other random people.
SO. Yay? Nay? A "lolwhut is this guy smoking?"? Is it worth a try for a week or two?