In the Meta Stack Exchange FAQ of review tests (audits), it is mentioned:
Also, if you find something in the review audit system that makes audits extremely obvious (as in one can tell that a review is an audit in just a few seconds, with little to no extra investigation), feel free to report that flaw.
So, the goal of this post is to report such a flaw.
In the above screenshot we can notice that the question has 0 answers. So it's pretty obvious to the reviewer that this review is an audit.
But there's also one more thing mentioned in the FAQ:
Easy-to-identify audits help legitimate reviewers pass and help better hone new reviewers' skills.
So is this a flaw or is it meant for new users to improve their reviewing skills?
After Zanna's suggestion (given in her answer), I asked a question in Meta Stack Exchange (link to the question).