Related: How to run the Software Recommendation tag?
Given the existence of Software Recommendations Stack Exchange, is there any need/justification for the software-recommendation tag here any more?
Related: How to run the Software Recommendation tag?
Given the existence of Software Recommendations Stack Exchange, is there any need/justification for the software-recommendation tag here any more?
Overlap in scope between Stack Exchange sites is not generally considered a problem. Literally every (on-topic) question on our site would be on topic on Unix and Linux Stack Exchange, for instance. Should U&L remove their ubuntu tag and direct everyone who asks about Ubuntu here?
To me such an action seems like it would be an artificial narrowing of scope, and I feel the same way about the occasional attacks on the software-recommendation tag here. Removing the tag would leave many perfectly on-topic questions without an appropriate tag. There are over 2700 questions with this tag, many highly upvoted and with highly upvoted answers, and they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
If there are objections to software recommendation questions on the grounds that they are often poor quality, can be targets for spam and so on, then aside from the fact that we have considered these questions on topic and answered them throughout the life of the site and we are not going to delete those >2700 questions which have been viewed by millions of visitors, my response is that we should continue to take lessons from the Software Recommendations Stack Exchange and continue to improve and moderate these questions carefully.