I've seen answers antagonizing newcomers and people that got out of the mainstream questions that could potentially yield significant learning/lessons.
What's the point of using a FOSS system if you're not gonna slowly learn from it?
I define antagonizing as basically hijacking the OP's reasoning with "implied impossibilities" or "unpractical erratic deductions", stuff like that. Transmitting YES, NO or Don't know.
This happens when an user has no clue of what is wrong.
Implied impossibilities can be avoided with a "summary" of the question based on the title along with the objective.
An example would be when an answer doesn't respond to an OP and someone simply responds, "This doesn't answer to the OP"
In this case we should comment with a reminder to the OP's question.
Something like : "Your answer is about GRUB installation but the question is about formatting the disk. Please edit your answer with corresponding information"