In general, people who answer questions on AU do their job with a certain pride. We want answers to work. If not, we either remove the answer or edit it until it works for at least the situation of OP, but if possible, for a wider range of situations.
This process works best while still in the flow of the question. That implies that if the first sign of life of OP comes after 4 or 5 days, the mind has moved on and it is less likely the answer is edited with the same creativity as what is was written with.
Unlike what some people seem to think, asking for feedback is not so much a matter of chasing reputation, but we simply want a confirmed working answer. Not only for ourselves, but mainly for the sake of the quality of the site. That is why it is discouraging and kind of frustrating to read a comment like "thanks for the answer, I will look into it one of these days, this week, next week, who knows...". Even worse of course if there is no reaction at all.
If you know someone responds accurately to his or her questions, you feel like doing "an extra step", since you know your work will be fruitful. The other way around: if you have the experience someone neglects answers, communicates very slowly (or not) or tends to abandon his own questions, it is unlikely you will take the effort to even write a comment, although you like the question at first sight.
In short: if you ask a question, take the time to communicate in an accurate way. It is good for the site, for the quality of your answer and improves the chances you'll get good answers in the future. Be aware of the fact that this is not a personal help desk, but we create question/answer combinations to serve a wider audience then the person who asks and answers the question.