Today I asked a question, and I got this answer, however in a few minutes another answer was posted:
Now this answer is almost identical to the first:
Except for the fact that it does not give an example use. And I even commented as you can see to suggest that the answer is updated with an example use, and the answerer replies to say that they won't do so because the other answer already covers that. So I don't see the point for this second answer, it gives the same information except it is missing some detail which the other answer covers. And it is not going to help future readers as it doesn't add anything new.
However when I asked if someone could delete it, they said no (@Seth), so I am wondering what the community opinion on this sort of thing is, should almost identical answers be deleted, especially if they lack detail that another answer provides, but are almost identical in every other way?
I mean I have seen many answers like these being deleted in the "very low quality" review queue, so I don't see why this one should stay. But I would still like to know, generally what to do about identical answers such as the one given as an example. Should they stay? Or should they go as they don't provide anything new?