After this question came up several times in comments to my regular recommendation to ban videos as source of information and assistance I'd like to give some background information which doesn't fit into a comment.
An example is the video on installation of Ubuntu on a chromebook. It is not a bad video and the intention of the contributer to provide assistance (to read the website on how) to install Ubuntu on a device is much appreciated as a step forward to make libre software and OS more popular. I chose this video as an example because I watched some part of it trying to assist in How do I boot Ubuntu from a USB on an Acer C720 Chromebook? and got caught up in examining it more closely after giving the recommendation to avoid videos as information source. I did not watch 100 % of it and nevertheless want to make following exemplary points (all of them are typical, time references to the example are necessary, though):
- I stopped with a watch 4:37 of 31:25 of silence while waiting for command completion.
- Some parts simply explain how to read things (~10:00 ff.)
- Selecting commands on the website and copying them into a terminal takes up to 10 seconds!