This question was closed as off-topic - I believe it is not, maybe it was worded too vaguely or mentioned too many irrelevant details or something.

Now, I edited the question to make it more direct and voted to re-open it. However, from my experience, once closed a question gets very little attention so there's not many chances to get another 4 votes necessary to re-open it.

What is the correct procedure to notify the people who voted to close the question so they can review their vote?

  • Yes, you are correct-it was a mistake. I've just voted to reopen it- it now has 4 reopen votes, so it should be reopened soon.
    – user76204
    Commented Oct 31, 2012 at 2:13

2 Answers 2


Instead of nagging to the users that closed a question a smarter way to do this is to just flag your post for moderation review and let a moderator handle your case. Takes away all the bureaucratic view and the discussion out of the equation.

Once a moderator re-opens your question there will be no way that the same users that voted to close it on the first place to do it again.


There really is no way. However, you can ask in chat and there should be enough 3K users to look at your post and discuss it. Also, if you cast a reopen vote, and a comment or edit entailing this, it will arrive in the Reopen Vote Queue where it will be looked upon by quite a few users. If a closevoter also left a comment, you can notify them with the @User ping, of course.

With that said, can you provide a link so I can possibly try to reopen?

  • Here's the link: askubuntu.com/questions/208378/root-access-with-scp You're in the list of voters, btw :)
    – Sergey
    Commented Oct 30, 2012 at 22:50
  • @Sergey My apologies. I'll see whether I should cast a reopen vote. Edit: IMO it shouldn't have been closed. I've voted to reopen, and sorry for the overlook on my part.
    – nanofarad
    Commented Oct 30, 2012 at 23:15

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