I took a specialist interest in answering this question because I similar difficulties which I resolved and wanted to help a fellow member with it. I answered the question, however, the member still had difficulties (but I stayed with it).
I sent a final comment suggesting to try something new. The bottom line is they answered their own question with more or less what I suggested in my comment and accepted their answer.
If he/she had of answered my comment instead, I would have gladly modified my answer which may have benefited others in the future. As it stands the question is tagged with 64bit and he/she installed the 32bit package (my answer catered for both versions).
apt-get purge
(or some other removal with with--purge
flag) was performed. That is, to "completely remove" a package in Synaptic is to remove it and delete all its systemwide configuration files, not to remove it and its dependencies.