I would like to post something about my 'journey' to transition from Windows to Ubuntu that might be useful to others.
I am a UK doctor and had some quite specific - basic but essential - requirements,and I suspect a lot of other people will have similar needs and be put off because some of them are quite challenging to overcome.
Previously my attempts to move to Ubuntu were limited by a few things I couldn't get to work; as they were essential to my work (-1- getting NHSmail [the UK email system, which doesn't by default work in anything other than Outlook on Windows or Mail on Mac, and the administrators are reluctant to release settinsgs and when they do they don't work!] to work in an email client, and -2- getting remote access to a server in a different hospital), I ended up having to use Windows daily and so drifted away from Linux.
More recently I got an SSD for my laptop and decided to give it a more concerted effort. After a lot of digging around I found ways to do everything. For various reasons I needed to install Ubuntu on a second laptop for more occasional use, and for future reference kept a careful log of every step I took to get a dual boot system with all the applications for a UK medic, including secure storage of patient data, synchronisation between encrypted partitions on my hard drives (desktop and laptops) and an encrypted USB drive, NHSmail (which uses MS Outlook 365 servers).
Is that something that would be useful to post on this website, and if so should I just start a new thread (even though I'm not really asking for help)?
Thank you - and thanks to you all for the tips on the site which were invaluable in getting it all working.