Ask Ubuntu was launched on 10/10/2010, so it's now just about 10 years old!
To celebrate we are running some workshops / lessons in chat. So far this is the schedule:
Introduction to software installation
by karel
Saturday 10th October 2020
14:00-16:00 UTC
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
Beginner level introduction to command line (part 1)
by Zanna
Sunday 11th October 2020
15:00-16:00 UTC
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
Beginner level introduction to command line (part 2)
by Zanna
Sunday 18th October 2020
15:00-16:00 UTC
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
Beginner level introduction to command line (part 3)
by Zanna
Sunday 25th October 2020
14:30-15:30 UTC
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
Introduction to SSH, Rsync and Cron
by Artur Meinild
Sunday 25th of October
16:00 - 17:00 UTC
- Basic SSH usage
- Basic Rsync CLI usage
- Basic usage of Rsync with cron
- Using SSHFS to mount remote folders
- Taste of advanced Rsync script (if there is time)
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
Beginner level introduction to command line (part 4)
by Zanna
Sunday 1st November 2020
14:30-15:30 UTC
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
SSH, Rsync and Cron - Continuation, clarification and questions
by Artur Meinild
Sunday 1st November 2020
16:00-17:00 UTC
Catch up: view the lesson transcript
Join the classroom
Sign up for scheduled lessons
Please feel free to offer or request more lessons here or by making a new meta post.
What's your Ubuntu story?
I will add any other celebration events to this post.
If you are organising an event, you may like to post an answer here to describe what you are doing and allow people to engage in comments. You could also make another meta question. If your event only needs to be a meta post (like some of the ideas posted on How should we celebrate 10 years of Ask Ubuntu?), go ahead and post your meta post and I'll add a link to it here. If you need any kind of help organising or getting involved, you can comment, ping me in chat, make a new meta post, or employ whatever alternative strategy appeals to you :)
Thanks to Catija for organising the banner! Catija also mentioned that she has some Stack Overflow stickers to send to people giving lessons :D