Please don't just vote bad posts up because you feel sorry for people who got voted down, it completely undermines the point of voting and wastes other peoples votes.
Today I voted this post down, it is bad, there is no way anyone can think it is good. It is vague, off topic, shows a lack of research.
Shortly after someone else voted this up, they left no comment and the post is not good, so only received an upvote because someone thought down voting is mean.
This is one of the things I hate most on SE, people who think downvoting is mean and we should not do it voting to cancel out downvotes, it wastes my vote, your vote, gives to OP rep for a bad post.
Sorry this is a bit of a rant but this gets on my nerves, don't vote because you feel sorry for people, you should vote on the quality of the post and not the person.
I would love to here from the person who voted that up.