First I tried it my intuitive way - and I got punished by the power-users here.
Than i tried it your way and you power user do it just the way they punished me for...
Thats make no sense for me:
In this question I didn't post an answer because it is not the solution but give helping information in comments. andrew.46 post do it just the way you told me not to do... even if i guess it would be a more clarify way - and nearly copy paste my comment...
In this question it is obvious that it is a duplicate - no problem - more than just poweruser do some more duplicates (an ignores that file syncing is a subject, so file stats should be preserved)
This question is one of the best... A super-user asks a question what he can easy reveal with less than 2 minute of research.... I give him (a super-user) a hint how to solve - and it solved! But in meta you told me I should suggest he is a "mega dummy" - no words left so far. Last but no least, the super-user answers himself in a spamming manner. I still waiting for the video tutorial...
Special question regarding to his thread:
The question of the OP was really regarding basics of VB. It was obvious that a short hint helps the OP to find the right way. It makes absolutly no sense to spend the effort to do a setup with that program (VB) used to take some screenshots and create a click by click tutorial.
Why? Because the short hint takes a minute (question 22:03, solution 22:15) and OP can go on (and he did!). This is much more usefull for the OP than waiting hours for a video tutorial.
Why? Because the supporter may spend the saved hours not doing a video turorial helping other users.
Another good question I red the question and followed up how familar the OP with ubuntu is. I gave him a short hint that solves the problem. Mostly everybody with such question who understand the question will understand the solution - and I used a link of StackExchange. The answer get accepted but one of you power user still must downvote. Well done...
As long as some of the big player here apply double standards it is annoying helping the OPs here.
This question is not regarding me (I going on doing it my way, helping users - not pleasing super-users) - but some of you (if the cap fits, wear it) should think about how to help, educate and/or annoy other supporter...