Did Stefano Palazzo♦ use the moderator vacation tool to inform regarding Stefano Palazzo's inactivity? According to the profile, last seen is August 29 (which is approximately a month ago).
Did any other moderators get any information regarding Stefano Palazzo's inactivity in their dashboard?
As on 6th November, 2020, Stefano Palazzo is no longer a moderator :(
The date of quitting is unknown but it must be somewhere between 7th October, 2020 and 624th NovemberOctober, 2020.
List of moderators as on 7th October, 2020 (old): (from https://askubuntu.com/users?tab=moderators)
List of moderators as on 624th NovemberOctober, 2020 (new): (from https://askubuntu.com/users?tab=moderatorshttps://web.archive.org/web/20201024074131/https://askubuntu.com/users?tab=moderators)
List of moderators as on 7th October, 2020 (old): (from https://stackexchange.com/about/moderators)
List of moderators as on 6th November, 2020 (new): (from https://stackexchange.com/about/moderators)
Related information can be found here: https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56071902#56071902