Too bad you only found out now, but back when you were a rep 1 user, you could edit any post and that was then reviewed in the edit queue by users like David Foerster (I remember David leaving comments, re-editing my edits, declining my edits (oh, wait: that one was Seth!) :D ).
And you got +2 for each and every approved edit until you reached 1000 rep gained from edits. These edits include post edits and tag wiki edits (500 edits in total). Tag wiki edits are the editing of tags (not re-tagging a question), i.e. editing/creating a tag or its info in Tags tab.
Remember these rep will be gained if your edit is in peer review queue. That means once you gain 2000 rep in total, you'll stop getting +2 from post edits since privileges of direct editing are granted at that time. The edits are applied immediately instead of going into peer review queue. And it is also to be noted you can still earn +2 from tag wiki edits until you gain 20k rep and become A Trusted User.
What you just found out was that when a low rep user edits your post, you get to approve it simultaneously with the edit queue and whoever approves / declines first gets to call the shots: the queue or you...