Proposal to have all users under 30 reputation follow a question wizard.
Some people just don't use google and they ask questions that have been asked before or they ask unclear question, or off-topic ones, ...
So how about putting in a filter in the form of a wizard that would hold the absolute beginner's hand: the first screen should show the 4, 6, ... hottest questions on the site, just like like a browser's "new tab" window contains their most visited sites.
AU Wizard Screen 1 Why the hottest questions? The hottest questions is functionality that is already available on the SE network and it would be trivial for the SE employees to take existing code base and re-use it, and present it in containers instead of a list, whereas asking for additional functionality might get the proposal shot down.
If they pick one of the hottest questions on the site, that's where they’ll be re-directed immediately without any further interaction, otherwise they click Next or Finish.
And then all of the tags come up:
AU Wizard screen 2 Why a dumb tag list? Again: this is functionality nearly exists: The list of most common tags is there, it just needs some extra check-marks to make this into a functional wizard step. Re-use of the existing SE code-base so more likely to be accepted.
Allow the user to select some tags and press Next or Finish.
If no tags are taken, do an Oli: Execute the most commonly used commands we ask them to execute anyway and post it to and link back to the question.
Propose a question:
With the tags and the hardware info, create a normal question that the user then still has to edit, or just approve depending on the quality of the tags/hardware detection we did, so the user will get used to what kind of questions to ask once the wizard disappears when their reputation gets high enough.
Additional ideas:
- give the beginning user additional rep if questions do not need to be revised. (+2 goes to poster instead of editor) Source
And now only Finish remains so the question gets posted.