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Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
5 votes

Should we put a "caveat" on an answer that might prevent you from getting further help?

5 votes

Why downvote new user's questions that will be closed anyway?

5 votes

Why are higher ranked users not flaged for off-topic?

5 votes

Nothing to ask, No question to answer.?

4 votes

My Answer got downvoted and I updated it. Will downvotes go away?

4 votes

Please only advise if you actually have something to say on the subject

4 votes

Asking for tutorial

3 votes

What is a Work in Progress Answer?

3 votes

2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

3 votes

How is this question off-topic?

3 votes

Why is it that perfectly good answers get deleted?

3 votes

In [comparison] to [diff]

2 votes

What is the consensus on people who are not using Ubuntu asking General Questions on AU that has nothing to do with Ubuntu?

2 votes

What to do when someone wants to republish your scripts?

2 votes

Is [top-bar] just another [panel]?

2 votes

Crouton install vs Crouton-based Ubuntu problem

2 votes

How do you bookmark, keep an eye on a question on askubuntu

2 votes

how to go forward with answers including ppa's?

1 vote

What should I do when I find an answer that damages my system but I don't have enough reputation to comment on it?

1 vote

Is it appropriate to ask if the Asus X555MA has any known issues running Ubuntu?

1 vote

Is there a rule which states that all questions and answers have to be in English on this site?

1 vote

How do I change my account password on Ask Ubuntu?

1 vote

Do we still really need to ask people to accept answers?

1 vote

Should Ubuntu Software Center links be edited?

0 votes

Are we too fast in closing questions as unclear?

0 votes

PROPOSAL: Checklist for addressing questions mentioning non-Ubuntu distributions

0 votes

Should a post be flagged as spam if an author is clearly *not affiliated* with the promotion?

-1 votes

PROPOSAL: Checklist for addressing questions mentioning non-Ubuntu distributions

-4 votes

Shouldn't we stop closing questions instantly as Off-Topic if we see the words "mint", "debian", etc.?