Reopen a question closed as a duplicate of 3 different ones?
That's useful advice for those who have sufficient reputation to vote to reopen. But what should users who don't have that much reputation do? I found this question which is also marked as a duplicate without actually being one. I have added a comment, but on it's own that's not likely to get the question reopened. Even if I could cast a reopen vote it's unlikely the reviewers would see my comment among all the others.
What is considered a community consensus on Meta?
I don't really have a full answer to provide. That's why I only added a comment.
What is considered a community consensus on Meta?
It has to be based on the displayed score not upvotes and downvotes separately. It needs to be determined in a way which allows anybody to look at the answers and deduce whether there is consensus or not. That rules out using information which requires a certain amount of reputation to see.
Dealing with a user who just won't follow the rules
You don't get more than one association bonus on a site.
Why do people post screenshots of their terminals?
Transparent terminals is another good reason to avoid posting screenshots of your terminal. Users don't always realize what information they are leaking that way. Last week I saw a posting with a screenshot of a transparent terminal in front of a list of usernames and passwords.
Why don't people who down-voted on a question revisit that question if it has been edited to make it better for up-votes?
@ElderGeek Very few users see everything going on in recent activity. It is unlikely that everybody who voted on a post will notice it a subsequent edit through recent activity. As for the edit part, no approval is required for editing your own post.
Why don't people who down-voted on a question revisit that question if it has been edited to make it better for up-votes?
@Fabby Commenting on a post doesn't automatically notify about changes to that post. And sometimes there isn't anything to comment about because either somebody already said what needed to be said or the post may be so poor it just feels pointless even trying to comment. But if you can see how a post can be improved then it is not good style to down-vote it and move on without providing a comment. Any well-intended post shouldn't be receiving down-votes without comments.