Member for 13 years, 4 months
Last seen more than a month ago
New York, United States
using golang wrote a system to translate an input image into its audio equivalent where none of the information is thrown away and is reversible ... it parses the image at the pixel level starting in one corner and traversing a path using a Hilbert Curve to visit each pixel and record into a memory buffer light intensity ... assign to one end of this array a low audio frequency ... give other end of array a very high audible frequency and give array elements inbetween intermediate frequencies ... synthesize audio oscillators at each array element and drive the audio amplitude of each oscillator by the light intensity at that element ... aggregate all oscillators into a single raw audio curve ... this is the audio output equivalent to the input image ... functional equivalent to an inverse Fourier Transform ... in summary: image --> audio ... to confirm the audio is solid I then implemented the above sequence of algorithms in reverse: audio --> image ... and yes this output image matches the original input image even though the visual information transitions into and back out from audio ... possible use cases include allowing the blind to see with their ears or to allow the deaf to hear by seeing, time series analysis by collapsing into an image a data stream
as the 1st employee of a startup built a nodejs/mongo RESTful server, created a testing harness ... whipped together an encrypted email server using postfix ... automated a CICD pipeline for a dockerized microservices app on arbitrary VPS, Google or AWS ... wrote DevOps code to synthesize templated configs for kubernetes, nginx, meteor/nodejs ... did all the TLS certs setup for nginx ... basically everything other than UI side
in golang wrote a SMTP parser content filter which gets launched by a postfix server to read incoming email traffic and persist portions of the email body and to handle arbitrary attachments to shunt malware and ease workflow
in golang wrote a log file parser which identifies error conditions to trigger alarms
wrote the orchestration code to scale up/down aws instances to support traffic flucuations ... used the aws golang SDK to parse our instances, security groups etc. to synthesize the scale up/down ... avoided using aws cloud formation so we remain as vendor neutral as possible
in 4 days using golang wrote a resource usage (CPU/memory) data capture layer which feeds a visualization system to plot realtime graphs of plant health
× 13May 18
ScholarFeb 25, 2021
Nice QuestionFeb 25, 2021
StudentFeb 18, 2021