Mystery, n' all that...
This next bit was originally a comment to a user who was upset because certain apps (Adobe CC) weren't 'Linux. The comment grew way too long, and it also wouldn't have worked as an answer to that question, so I brought it here. It represents many of my 'on-topic' sentiments and points of view, so I felt like it was a pretty good fit. Here it is:
OP: ..."not supported."
We don't need their support. We support ourselves and each other. That is why this site exists!
Compared to other platforms' communities., a large percentage of us can and do build/share alternatives to an app when we run into this issue.
If it isn't on apt, snap, pypi, or git{hub,lab}, then it probably doesnt exist. Linux supports development environments, so developers support the Linux environment.
Just look at AU, U&L, etc. I'm yet to see another platform with a tech support option that holds a candle to ours. That is the reason I love this site so much:
It shows the power in the act of people who care about a cause coming together to support it.
[ Q.)
I've heard it said that there is more than one way to skin a cat.
How exactly do you skin a cat with Ubuntu?
[ A.)
Let's see.. On Ubuntu, we have sudo apt install cat-skinner
, which is just a wrapper for sudo apt-get install cat-skinner.
However, that one is just a front end for dpkg -i cat-skinner-3.7.19-277-ubuntu1-27debian11-fedora-for-some-reason.2.deb
But then you may prefer the snap, as the edge track
just released 3.7.19-278-....2.deb
! Or you could get it from Flatpak.. I believe that command is something like
Flatpak install --with-butterknife-only --safety-scissors=true cat-skinner
That one doesn't work due to lack of permissions, but it does load a splash screen, so it counts. That said, I'd better keep pace, I haven't even made it to the " install-from-source " options yet.
Okay, weve got apt-src
, dpkg-source
,.... wget
........ .......
" If you can't have a laugh at your own expense, then you might as well stop laughing."
~ Eddie Murphy ~
Thank you to everyone who has donated time in pursuit of making this site, and this community, the awse
× 3Dec 26, 2023
CommentatorAug 13, 2021
TeacherSep 20, 2021
ScholarJun 15, 2021