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Unanswered Questions

329 questions with no answers
5 votes
0 answers

OpenWeek class for Ask Ubuntu?

It would be great if someone could volunteer to hold a class on how to use Ask Ubuntu, tips and tricks, etc. for Ubuntu Open Week. Ping me on chat if you're interested! See: http://www.jorgecastro....
5 votes
0 answers

Broadcom tags probably need a once over, help?

This is more of a call for help but we have a bunch of duplicates and stuff in broadcom. Our most popular questions "feel" correct to me but you can never tell with these cards. I don't own any of ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to get notified about questions in specific language on

Currently, Our LoCo is receiving all questions from Ubuntu users on FB group, this has many disadvantages as it wasn't made for it mainly. We need to move it to Ask Ubuntu, but How can an individual/...
5 votes
0 answers

The "command-line" tag wiki

I'm very keen on the command-line tag, so I've decided to edit it's tag wiki. I've tried to give a gentle definition of the term, without sounding condescending to those who know about the command ...
4 votes
0 answers

Can we reopen this question about how to install Ubuntu on a 32 bit mac with 64 bit processor?

I found this question about installing Ubuntu on a 32-bit Mac. It seems that this Mac has a 64 bit processor, and Ubuntu should support it. Since this question broadly falls in the range of "How ...
4 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent date in close description

I am talking about this question: Software Updater is saying "You stopped the check for updates". What should I do? The question was asked 11 months ago and the question was closed 12 ...
4 votes
0 answers

Should the bar be higher to create tags...?

This was discussed before but no action was taken. I think this is still needed, since we have 2772 2844 tags (9*4*77 79) and pretty much of them are kind of vague, doesn't define a particular topic, ...
4 votes
0 answers

SPAM attacks again!

Today we found a clever way spammer are trying to prevent falling into the spam protection system... that is recommending software relevant to the question so people in their curiosity search what is ...
4 votes
0 answers

I have registered but can't sign in

I have registered and logged in previously (a couple of days ago). My password no longer works, and the reset code that gets sent to me (I've tried three or four times) does not work. Any ideas?
4 votes
0 answers

Anything new in the "low quality" algorithm?

I just got presented with a 2 years old answer, "flagged as low-quality because of its length and content." (Answered and edited by another user on Apr 14, 2011. No activity since.) https://...
4 votes
0 answers

This edit would have to be a suggested edit

I was reviewing a question which a new user had just posted on the site, by clicking on the Review link. After editing the title (typos) and the main question body, with spelling, layout and English ...
4 votes
0 answers

Meta tag-synonym request: [tags]->[tagging]

While tag is synonymed to tagging, tags is not synonymed yet. Could tags be synonymed to tagging?
4 votes
0 answers

Why can you still vote and accept answers on closed questions?

I was looking at my previous questions and noticed that I have a question Is there a simple GUI-based program available to join/combine mp3 files? that has (rightly) be closed, but I could mark the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Some minor cleanup, with a focus on tags

Something that I've noticed lately is that we have some bad tags springing up (nothing "new" there), as well as some tags that are being abused/cluttered. Do note that this isn't a witch hunt against ...
4 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow Worldwide Meetups 2012

We're having a Stack Overflow meetup to get together with fellow programming, web, and other technology enthusiasts. But not all of our programmers and technology enthusiasts live on Stack Overflow, ...

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