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Used on questions concerning suggestions on edits or edits to be peer-reviewed.

15 votes

Is this screenshot uncool?

I would not characterize that small summer breeze image as "going off the rails" or "uncool." When it comes to that picture, I don't think you need to worry about anything so serious. In my opinion, …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
3 votes

Edits that combine answers

If one of the answers is not an answer at all, then editing information from it into another answer (with appropriate attribution) is sometimes okay. In particular, if the same author posts two answe …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
10 votes

Why was this small but important edit rejected?

In such situations, I recommend including a more specific explanation in the edit summary when resubmitting the edit. Also, in general, I recommend including specific explanations in edit summaries fo …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
7 votes

What to do when a user asks a question editing an another question?

The rejection reason is shown to the user. Invalid edit is the canned rejection reason that applies to edits that attempt to comment on or reply to the post. However, if you can point the misguided …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes

Title is eaten by diff in suggested edit

There's a Meta Stack Overflow question about this: Suggested edit that only changes tags, also shows the title as removed As reported in balpha's answer, it seems the bug was recently fixed; the f …
3 votes

Why do people edit in (usually pointless) bold and italics to questions?

Text doesn't usually benefit from bold or italics just because it's technical specs, or proper names. Headings (i.e., section titles within an answer) benefit from bold but this is taken care of autom …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
17 votes

Proposed edit rejected - new edition is almost the same and didn't solve some problems

I clicked Reject and Edit while reviewing the post. Although the rejection is shown as being done by the Community bot, I'm the one who's responsible for your edit being rejected (whether or not that …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
13 votes

Why were my edit suggestions of fixing URL rejected?

As you know, I am one of the reviewers who rejected (both of) your attempts to apply this edit. I think it is far from obvious that the specific change made here is correct or even safe. There are tw …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
6 votes

What to do with tag-only edits?

If the edit is appropriate and useful and nothing else needed editing, approve it. This can only be answered in a very general way, because there's no specific edit suggestion* to look at. In general, …
Eliah Kagan's user avatar