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Add a link to duplicate when a question is marked as a duplicate

This same question has been asked, left unanswered, and marked as too localized. See (question is duplicate of what, precisely? [closed])

I don't see how the original question or this one is too localized. This one is a duplicate because the original one was not answered.

To be more specific, when I find a question marked as a duplicate, I still need an answer. If the duplicate answers my question, I need the link to that question.

It is important to note that many of us come here after using a search engine like Google. I personally find the search function on many Ubuntu and Linux forums to be less functional than Google. Please consider making it a prerequisite that one must enter the duplicate question in order to mark a duplicate, and that the duplicate link always appears where the duplicate notice appears.

This would be very similar to marking bugs as duplicates. Instead of the message saying this question has been marked as a duplicate, the message should say this question has been marked as a duplicate of {question with link}.