Meme: Chaos / Darkness (and other joinings of these two)
Originator: Thomas Ward
Background: In recent days, one of our moderators, Thomas Ward took some D&D tests to determine his alignment, and ended up Chaotic Neutral/Evil. He's since taken a liking to the terms "Chaos" and "Darkness" in regular greetings, or when doing some moderator-ly actions. A regular greeting, in place of "Hello" or "Good day" from Thomas, is "Good Chaos to thee" or "Good Darkness to thee" or similar, and is mostly the origin of this meme. Due to the origin of this being one of our Moderators, Thomas is sometimes called "The Dark One" or "The Chaotic One" solely because of the adoption of these terms in regular messages from him.
Examples of Originator Invocations:
- "Good Chaos to thee!" (sometimes written with Darkness instead of Chaos)
- "A great Darkness has swept through the flags queue, and cleared most of it away with Flames of Evil and Darkness. Darkness Moderator returns to the shadows from whence he came"
- Serg: "And Good Darkness to you as well"
- Rinzwind: "all hail Chaos!"
Examples of Community invocations:
And just because I should probably show these, some typical community responses to the "Good Chaos to thee" greetings: