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14 votes
6 answers

Why are people downvoting questions with obvious solutions?

There is something I have seen in both stackoverflow and askubuntu. That is happening way more at stackoverflow but even at AskUbuntu. There are questions with minus ratings and negative votes (for ...
dlin's user avatar
  • 3,850
2 votes
2 answers

Downvote on a closed question causes decrease in asker's reputation? Is this new?

I had opened a question in Ask Ubuntu when I started using the site, without knowing much. That question got closed as off topic. Here it is: Today I noticed that ...
Web-E's user avatar
  • 21.5k
0 votes
2 answers

-1 reputation for nothing

Ok I am wondering why and how I can remove negative reps on ask ubuntu. I know how to search for questions and answers before I ask. Then someone comes along and gives me a down vote because they ...
SoCalDiegoRob's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Why does voting down decrement Reputation

if an answer is wrong , then we can vote it and the wrong answer goes down the list,but why decrementing the hard-earned reputation?? we need to bring a change to that policy.
Nandhu's user avatar
  • 31