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Why does the tag `20.10` Even exist If it is off topic?

Why does the tags of the releases who have met there end life even exists for eg - 20.10 19.04 16.04 What are the point of still using these tags ? When all the questions about them are off topic , I ...
Error404's user avatar
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The close reason "Off topic" -> "Bug reports..." is still confusing

There is one single point in the review UI that does not fail to irritate me when I see it. It's about how to understand the close reason Off topic->Bug reports. I know that it has been discussed ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
8 votes
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A 404 error occurs on the about page

In the second slide of the about page, the link to the "official Ubuntu derivatives" gives a 404.
user80551's user avatar
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